Wednesday, May 5, 2004

waiting to live

do you ever feel like you're constantly waiting for something? like you're just biding your time at your current job/school/location until "something" comes along? maybe that something is a mate, or that perfect job, or that golden opportunity or whatever. but you just sit around waiting for it to happen?

why do we let so much of life pass us by while we wait for a life that, honestly, may never come? perhaps that perfect job isn't going to find you, but rather you have to go find it. perhaps waiting for that perfect someone is a waste of the time you have as a single person. how much life will we lose before we realize that there's nothing to wait for? this here, today, is life. this is when we need to live. not tomorrow. not next week. not at the next job or with the next person. right here. right now. this is life.

and maybe you have dreams that you say "if only i was the kind of person who..."

well, who says you're not that kind of person? the only thing keeping you from being that kind of person - is you. the only thing keeping me from being that kind of person - is me.

how much life will you lose? how long will i keep myself from being who i want to be?


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